Sunday, March 20, 2011



In this article Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer discuss the importance of service learning. They believe that service learning holds a power of understanding, human connection, experience, and learning. The article is extremely informative of the ways people can do service learning, and also the ways that it has been done, and it gives a good understanding of what can be done to get more knowledge out of a service learning porject. It's not just about community service and helping, it's also about understanding the people who need the help. By really understanding, you can then help make a difference. They point out that there is a difference between change and charity. Wanting to participate is the key. Service learning can be the thing that pushes you to want to participate and help make a real difference, a change in the world. With both change and charity, they say that the underlying goals that can impact a service learning project are split into three domains; moral, political, and intellectual. It is also true that through your own rewarding experiences during service learning, you can be an inspiration to others to try and make a difference and become more informed.

The video that I decided to post is directly related to this article because it shows that people are willing to make a difference. The celebrities in the video are pledging to make a difference. They are pledging to find service projects to help people and they are pledging to just do good and right by others. It's a really inspiring video and really makes me want to help change the world for the better. Seeing this video it gives you so many ideas of ways you can help in the community, and learn from what others are doing to help. Just by making small day to day changes, you can make all the difference.


  1. I really liked your video you included in your blog! You are right, it is a very inspiring video and it makes me happy to see that even celebrities are out trying to make a difference in the world. I see a lot of these videos whenever I watch a professional basketball game on tv. They always show a commercial about a player giving back to the's one of the videos.

  2. Your video is great! I especially enjoyed the pledge to change myself before asking for change in others. I think it is so important to take action ourselves and lead by examples. Why do we keep relying on others or the government to make these changes for us? Lets get out there and start doing it ourselves.

  3. Oh my goodness that video is perfect! I absolutely agree with the previous comments about how awesome it is to see celebs reaching out because I'm sure a lot of people look up to them in some way and they should use that "power" for good!! It is really important to get up and do something yourself in my opinion instead of just donating things donate your time!

  4. I agree with everybody else who commented. I really like the video that you posted and I think that it really does reflect this article. It is also so nice to see that celebrities are willing to help and people look up to them so if they pledge to help and make a change then, others will follow in their footsteps.

  5. wow that video fit it perfectly. i really liked it. it's nice to see that celebrities are also trying to be more involved with service learning projects. i mean kids look up to them and if kids see them doing it maybe kids will also want to start doing it more.
